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  • What will happen if i don’t migrate to GA4 now?


    GA4 Standard is the free-to-use version of GA4. Whereas GA4 360 is the paid version that involves a monthly subscription.

    Once you obtain the New GA360, it will give you access to the following features:

    • Additional event metrics and higher sampling limits (IB events per query)
    • Sub and rollup properties
    • Extra metrics and custom dimensions
    • Ahigher limit for data export in BigQuery Export, allowing you to export billions of events daily
    • Ahigher data retention limit (up to 50 months)
  • What happens to my universal analitics data when i migrate to GA4?


    GA4 Standard is the free-to-use version of GA4. Whereas GA4 360 is the paid version that involves a monthly subscription.

    Once you obtain the New GA360, it will give you access to the following features:

    • Additional event metrics and higher sampling limits (IB events per query)
  • What is the difference between GA4 standart and GA4 360?


    GA4 Standard is the free-to-use version of GA4. Whereas GA4 360 is the paid version that involves a monthly subscription.



    GA4 Standard is the free-to-use version of GA4. Whereas GA4 360 is the paid version that involves a monthly subscription.

    Once you obtain the New GA360, it will give you access to the following features:

    • Additional event metrics and higher sampling limits (IB events per query)
    • Sub and rollup properties
    • Extra metrics and custom dimensions
    • Ahigher limit for data export in BigQuery Export, allowing you to export billions of events daily
    • Ahigher data retention limit (up to 50 months)

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